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Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I got a letter from one of my favorite missionaries today. It was totally random and out of the blue but it made my day and I was overwhelmed with happiness just hearing from him. I'm grateful for missionaries and the opportunities young men and women have to serve missions. To become closer to the Lord, to preach His gospel, to serve others, to bring the world His truth. Missionaries are so in tune with the spirit and living such a pure lifestyle it is amazing. My Elder friend may never know the affect his letter had on me, but the things he said to me were inspired and were just what I needed to hear. Crazy how the Spirit works but so utterly amazing that it hurts my brain to think about.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Long Weekends

We had a three day weekend this past week. No school on Monday thanks to Martin Luther King Jr. Holidays are probably one of the greatest things ever to a college student. A day to sleep in, no school, and nothing to worry about. Ahhhh so nice. Sadly, back to school tomorrow.

This is my "sad to go back to school face." 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hello is in Order

I feel I should explain this blog.

I deleted the other one and created this new one because I've moved on in my life. I won't share as many personal details of my life with this blog. It is simply what it is titled a "Joy in the little things blog."


I got a new calling. Its a small calling but it seems to be just what I need. It blows my mind how God knows what we each need and will give it to us. It literally AMAZES ME. How does he do it?! Its magic I tell you.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Compliments are a day changer. They make the receiver feel so good about themselves it's crazy. Maybe it's just me, but I LOVE compliments. So I'm going to try and compliment more people. Whether I know them or not, big compliment or little, I'm going to compliment them. Please, join me in my challenge.